Genuine Hustle

12 February 2024 – 13 February 2024

US$250.00 ~ US$250.00

Denver, CO, USA

The Genuine Hustle conference series began in 2015 and emerged as a platform for agents to convene and glean insights from top-performing real estate professionals in North America. Originating as a day-long workshop catering to agents in the Denver area, it quickly transformed into a nomadic network of Genuine Hustle enthusiasts. Many attendees have become loyal participants, consistently joining multiple Genuine Hustle events over the years. The Genuine Hustle culture has given rise to mastermind groups, referral networks, support tribes, and, significantly, lasting friendships. As we all navigate an ever-evolving world and working landscape, these connections have assumed heightened importance. The plan is to reconvene in person at remarkable locations in the future.

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